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Certificates of origin


Certifications are the most standardized formula to achieve the objectives of
sustainability that every restaurant company seeks to obtain in order to achieve excellence.
At Alma Verde we are constantly preparing so that the experience of
our diners is satisfactory when consuming our products and visiting
Our facilities.


Currently, we have the approval of different qualifications of the Official Standard
known as NOM that evaluate good hygiene practices in the process
of food and beverages in order to avoid contamination throughout the process.
The standards that Alma Verde has are: NOM 251, NOM 093, NOM 605, NOM
028, whose certification leads us to obtain a Distinctive H.
At the same time that the certification is acquired, annual follow-up audits are carried out
to ensure its validity.


In the same way, Alma Verde maintains the teaching of courses in our Educational Center
Alma Verde, CEAV, with all the staff to provide feedback on our standards.


We are also active members of the National Chamber of the Restaurant Industry and
Alimentos Condimentados, Canirac, which is the business body that represents and
promotes the interests of the restaurant industry.

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